Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Well, shake it up baby....

Well, that was a first! Never having experienced an earthquake before, we had absolutely no idea what was going on as we were shaken awake in the early hours of this morning! Rushing around the house looking for...well, I've no idea what, but we felt we should be looking for something. No other houses in the village appeared to have their lights on, so we decided there was no more we could do and went back to a fitful night's sleep.

It was only when we caught the 7am news that we realised there had been an earthquake, it's epicentre only about 60 miles from us. And it was then that the 'phone calls started. Sometimes it takes a shock like this to make us realise just how many people care.

That also taught me something, that I shouldn't wait for something bad to happen before I let people know that I care. The Universe does work in strange ways and there are things just around the corner that we can't possibly predict. So I'm off to call up friends and family who I haven't spoken to in a while, just to say hello.

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