Friday, 10 February 2012

‘What’s the strangest request you’ve ever had as an FM?’

A few weeks ago I signed up for the 30 Day Twitter challenge – each day brings a new email with a new idea and action to take. Today was to ask a question of my Twitter followers, which would create content for my blog. It’s been hilarious!

My question was,

‘What’s the strangest request you’ve ever had as an FM?’

Here’s a selection of the best responses:

• Why don’t we get 12 types of tea? (There were 8 already available!)
• Could you 'just' move a 30 foot tree in a glass box in reception to make way for a party?
• Would it be safe for some Orcs on stilts to run around our marble reception?
• Could the Helpdesk stop car drivers peeping their horns outside the building?
• I was asked to dispose of the amputated leg of a polish sailor, we had the only waste incinerator on the islands - it took 4 days
• Put manure on new concrete to make it look older and of course transport the manure in my car!
• Please buy a purple hot air balloon to fly over our HQ and to illuminate it with purple laser lights
• Can we please have somewhere secure for the Robot Mime to store his day clothes?

Huge thanks to all who responded, especially to Julie Kortens, Michael Glass, Martin Pickard, Ismena Clout, Jason Gurd, Laura Gillespie and David Martinez. You can find them on Twitter @thefmguru @JKortens @JGurd @lozi41 @FEfacilitiesA @BIFM_Ismena @dmartinez_PhD

What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever been asked? Please contact me Liz Kentish The FM Coach leave a comment below or on Twitter using hashtag #FMCoach – I look forward to hearing from you!

1 comment:

  1. Great post Liz and good to see you're enjoying the 30 Day Twitter Challenge! I wrote the 30 Day PR Challenge if you need a fresh challenge once your 30 Days are up! Or I'm writing the LinkedIn Challenge too

    I've been on Twitter since 2007 and often blog about it and something that really helps turbo charge the blog is to link to the Twitter accounts of anyone you mention, especially if they responded to a question via Twitter. It gets them and you more followers, engagement and Retweets! Worth mentioning your own too - combined with your #ff for them... social media in action being social!

    Have fun and I'm @nigel_morgan on Twitter ;oD
