Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Summer solstice - it's the longest day!

I can't believe we've already reached the longest day - where has the year gone to?

Cast your mind back to January, and all those plans you made - I'd imagine many of you pledged to have a better work-life balance in 2011 - how are you getting on? Some of you may be saying 'but work gets in the way' - and you're right, it does.

Let's take a quick look at how many minutes are available to us on 21 June, the longest day. 1440 minutes. Guess what - the same amount is available to us each and every day. How are you using your time?

Why not plan your day today - but instead of starting with all the 'work stuff', start by planning in the really important stuff.

For example:
6pm Bath the kids
7pm Read them a bedtime story, or better still, make up a story for them, one that stars the whole family
8pm Talk with your other half, ask them about their day, make some plans together
If your parents are still around, why not call them - you know, that 'phone call you've been meaning to make for weeks?
At lunchtime, schedule in a walk - you might not be able to take a full hour, but how about 15 minutes to get some fresh air, listen to some music perhaps?

Every day is the same length, but today is as good a day as any to get refocused on what's really important. Once you schedule in the things that matter, you'll find they get done! My 15 minutes of hula hooping (yes, honestly!) happens when it's in my diary - if it's not in there, forget it!

It's very apt that the word solstice derives from the Latin sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still). So, may I suggest you stand still for a moment, and think about your day?

After all, as Jim Rohn said, “If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.”

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