Wednesday, 18 May 2011

A day at The Facilities Show

And what a day it was! I was the first speaker presenting at the Seminar Theatre, and my session on 'Engaging the Workforce' certainly started some debate afterwards. Two of my coaching clients were there too, and it gave us a chance to catch up on progress.

Debra Ward of Mitie Client Services ran two sessions, on The Profile of FM and Engaging the Room; Diana Kilmartin of Three shared her journey 'Engaging suppliers', and Steve Gladwin form Hochtief gave the audience pointers on 'Engaging the CEO'.

I had a list of people I know from Twitter who I hadn't yet met in person, and managed to meet all but one during the day. I also had a meeting with Heather Moses and Larry O'Brien from Planon, who I'm working with on a Webinar for June.

I also managed to meet up with the Asset Skills team and have agreed to run a Women in FM event with them next month, and have tentatively agreed to co-host a conference with a major UK university in 2012.

And my golden nugget from the day? Martin Brown, from Fairsnape, introduced me to QR Codes - if you work in FM and haven't come across them yet, you could be missing out!

All in all, a very busy yet very productive day - and a chance to see what's new in facilities management.

Did you get to The Facilities Show? I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Post your comments below or contact Liz Kentish The FM Coach or call on 07717 787077


  1. Hi Liz,

    Sounds like the day really was a big success. We know from a few people how valuable they found it and I hear your presentation went down really well.

    Unfortunately, we weren't able to be there due to other commitments but it's good to get a round up of things.

    Also, interesting to hear your thoughts on QR codes as we recently made use of them too. There's an interesting article about using them at

    Hopefully see you at other events Liz.


  2. Thanks Laura, I've just read the article and it's really helpful. Maybe I could post it here as a guest blog - do you have it as a word doc you could send me?
    Thanks, Liz

  3. I always able to pick something valuable from your words of wisdom. Your quotes on ..'Value should be lived not laminated' is simply amazing Liz!
