I was lucky enough to be invited to the first Bee Craft dinner at the Wax Chandler’s Guild yesterday, where the after dinner speaker was Lord Hattersley. He spoke about his career in both politics and literature.
What particularly caught my attention was the distinction he made between today’s ‘career politicians’ and those of yesteryear, who had worked in industry, been in the forces and so on, moving into politics later on, because they genuinely wanted to make a difference.
I’ve never met anyone yet who works in facilities management who genuinely planned to be in FM when they grew up – so many of us ‘fell into’ FM from other sectors. So my question to you is, is this a good thing? Are we like the politicians of the past, who bring their experience of the commercial world to the House of Commons? Should we promote FM as a second career?
What do you think? I’d love to hear your thoughts – comment below or email Liz Kentish The FM Coach coach@lizkentishcoaching.co.uk
To your point, many of the past FM roles have been filled out of necessity. Now, the younger generations can actually major in such fields. I think going forward, the bar for facility managers will be raised substantially. Their quality of work, enthusiasm and progressive solutions may exceed today's current expectations. @MidCalFM