Friday, 18 September 2009

Positive politics for powerful women

On Wednesday night our Women in FM group was delighted to welcome Michelle Brailsford, of Jupiter Consulting, as our guest speaker.

Michelle challenged and enthralled us on the topic of politics for women in the corporate world, and described how it's about survival of the savvy. Here are her top 7 tips for 'playing the game'.

1. Build powerful alliances (map them out if you haven't already)
2. Manage your image and perceptions about yourself
3. Master the right language to sell your ideas
4. Manage hidden agendas
5. Network
6. Promote yourself with decent boldness
7. Just do it!

Want to find out more? Call Liz Kentish The FM Coach on 01778 561326 / 07717 787077 or

1 comment:

  1. Us ladies aren't as good as 5 and 6 as we cd easily be...
    Your blog is great Liz: short, to the point and regular. How do you promote it?
