Tuesday, 3 July 2012

What really motivates your teams?

At last week's FM&BS World Summit in Barcelona, I shared some of the findings from my recent short survey on motivation. I'll post a full set of results shortly, but you won't be surprised (I hope) to hear that what managers think motivates their teams (money and job security) is quite different from what actually motivates their people (interesting and challenging work). Food for thought indeed - maybe it's worth us all taking time to have those effective conversations with the people we work with - we might just be missing a trick otherwise. Ask them, what motivates you at work, and what needs to happen for you to do more of that? Of course, there are things that are outside our comfort zones, and things that need to be done that we don't really enjoy or excel at, but if you can help them do more of what does motivate them, then you're onto a winner!