Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Please - don’t judge me

I’ve been working with a client recently who, as part of our coaching, decided to undertake both 360˚ feedback with colleagues, as well as using our own ‘personal asset register’ – (check out our e-book The Hunt is On for more details)

What has been really interesting, is how quick people are to judge – we read the word ‘workaholic’ a few times, and work-life balance was also mentioned quite often. Rather than simply jumping to the conclusion that my client needs to have a better balance, we didn’t take these comments at face value, but instead looked deeper, to check whether their current ‘balance’ and workload is in fact in line with their personal values. And guess what? With a few little tweaks, their current workload is manageable, in fact it’s fun! This individual is driven by pressure, deadlines, and success.

So, the message is, beware of judging others by your own values – it may just be that they are different!

Have you come across something similar? Let us know - email Liz Kentish The FM Coach or call us on 01778 561326